How to use cloudLibrary with my library card

What is cloudLibrary?

cloudLibrary is a service that gives you access to popular eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital magazines, and digital comic books.

How do I sign up for cloudLibrary?

If you have an El Paso County Digital Library card, you already have access to cloudLibrary! Login with your library card and library pin here:

gif banner showing for to sign up for cloud library

I don't have an El Paso County Digital Library card. How do I sign up?

Sign up for a library card at our website:

Library cards are free to all El Paso County residents.

How do I read books on my phone or tablet?

cloudLibrary has apps available for your favorite devices including iPhone, Android phones, Kindle Fires, iPads, and more. Visit their product page at and scroll down to the "Get started | Choose your app" section.

Where do I find help for cloudLibrary?

Please visit their help section:

Why is there a wait time on the book I want?

cloudLibrary digital magazines and comics are always available, however, cloudLibrary eBook and eAudiobook titles are One Copy/One User, which means that just like with a physical book, if the item is borrowed by another user, it is not available to any one else.