Setting up a Hoopla account with your library card

What is Hoopla?

Hoopla is a website and app that connect you with millions of electronic resources including, eBooks, eAudiobooks, television shows, movies, music, and more. Hoopla is free with your library card.

How do I get a library card?

Sign up for a library card at our website:

Library cards are free to all El Paso County residents.

How do I sign up for Hoopla?

Go to

Click on the "Get Started" button on the center of the screen.

Click on the "Let's Go" button

Type and select "El Paso County Digital Library" on the "Find your Library" screen

Enter your library card number and library pin

Enter your email address and a new password to complete your registration

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I already have an account to Hoopla with my El Paso Public Library card. Do I need to create a new account? 

Unfortunately, you cannot add a library card to a Hoopla account at this time. You can change the library and card number in your settings of your current Hoopla account. Once logged in, you click on the gear on the top right. Once in the settings page, click on "Library" and change your library to "El Paso County Digital Library." Add your new card number and pin.

Alternatively, you can create a new account with your new El Paso County Digital Library card number and pin. To do this, you need to add a different email address to create your new Hoopla account.

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How many items can I check out from Hoopla?

El Paso County Digital Library provides you with 10 new Instant Borrows at the start of each month and up to 5 Flex title borrows at any one time.

Why is there a wait time on the book I want?

Hoopla Instant Borrows are always available without a wait time. However, Flex titles are One Copy/One User, which means that just like with a physical book, if the item is borrowed by another user, it is not available to any one else.

Where can I go for more help?

You can find more help on Hoopla's help page: